Remi Tournier - Epilogue
Epilogue, 2023
12" x 15"
Oil on paper
"THE EPILOGUE IS STILL ON THE WAY. For this exhibition, I wanted to show research work. On each project, each painting, there is a moment in creation where I would like to stop, because a fragile balance is reached, which appears perfect to me. What’s strangest is having kind of difficulty to say, « Okay, I’m not touching anything anymore, » because it wasn’t « planned like that. » We can always go further in the technique, but the intoxication and the poetry lie elsewhere. It’s an endless quest, sometimes senseless either, that requires courage to free yourself from the scenario. There is a very fine line between ecstasy and despair. You have to multiply experiences, tell yourself that one cannot go without the other, this is undoubtedly passion. Sometimes, the best is the enemy of good. I continue my series on fishing ports, without really knowing what satisfies me in this universe."
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